Second Sunday, delayed

Hello again. Sorry I am late with this post. Got distracted Sunday and then had the most horrible day yesterday.

First, the good news. I am down 20 lbs from 2 weeks ago. Mostly inflammation reduction and change in diet are the key at this point. The great thing about going grain free is the reduction in swelling. My stomach is not as rotund, clothes are already fitting better. However, I know from past experiences, this is where the real work begins.

I have come to the conclusion that I need to decrease my intake for dairy. I really enjoy Liberté Méditerranée yogurt. It is full fat yogurt and so delicious. It is also a go to snack. I also like cheese. Cheese was a major part of my breakfasts last week. While I do not have any really adverse reaction to dairy, I do believe that it is hindering weight loss. So, time to drastically decrease my intake. Continue reading

First Sunday

On the first Sunday of my 40 day journey, I have learned that I am horribly addicted to sugar. I have also learned that I am boredom is a trigger to me eating sugar. While I have partaken in the sugary treat from hell, I do not believe the first few days are a failure.

I have been getting to bed at 10 pm every night, except last night. We were at a friend house and did not get home until after 1 am.

I have also dropped 12 pounds (give or take 2 pounds).

My diet has consisted of about 90% whole foods with a lower intake of calories. The most important of that is the higher consumption of whole foods.


In the beginning…

Forces have come together to steer me that now is the time to make some significant changes in my life. I am taking this time of Lent to start the 40 day journey to make these changes in my life.

Here is a little history behind this decision.

To start, let me be really clear about something…

There are not a lot of things I hate. Hate is an emotion that takes too much energy; energy I am not willing to expend on people and things I do not like. However, with that said, I hate doctors! I don’t hate them personally, I just do not like going to them. Many times, the default answer is to pump you full of drugs. I hate taking pills. I can never remember to take them and usually, the side effects (actual and potential) outweigh the benefits. Plus, the entire drug industry is built on treating symptoms, not finding a cure. Continue reading